Spotlighting Our BMM Team: John Bielski, Supervisor of Capital Trading

Portrait of Kimberly Campagna

By Kimberly Campagna • July 18, 2022

This is the first post in a new series spotlighting the individual team members who make BMM great – and a great place to work, too. Today we’re celebrating John Bielski, Supervisor of Capital Trading, on his fourth anniversary with the firm. Happy anniversary, Johnny!

“It’s hard to believe that it’s been four years already.”

Johnny Bielski with Belle, Berkshire Money Management's office cat
Belle, the office cat, is most frequently found in Johnny’s office

Johnny joined the Berkshire Money Management team in 2018, but his BMM story begins a long, long time ago, in a wealth management firm not too far away. Back when Johnny was a student at the Massachusetts College of Liberal Arts (MCLA), he was hired as an intern at what is now Atlas Private Wealth Management by none other than the Allen Harris. That internship made an impression on him and close to twenty years later, when the opportunity to work for Allen came again, Johnny jumped at the chance.

“I hired Johnny twice,” says Allen. “It was easy to hire him back then because of his fun personality. It was easier the second time because he knew what he was doing. Plus, now we all get a daily dose of quotes from movies like Austin Powers, Step Brothers, Dumb & Dumber, and Anchorman effortlessly and seamlessly weaved into everyday conversation.”

“It’s really quite a skill,” Allen added. “Don’t act like you’re not impressed.”

In the office, Johnny works closely with Allen and all our advisors to make trades and initiate changes in allocations, ensures that all of the asset values and positions recorded at the office match those at Schwab, and makes sure everything he does remains compliant. He takes a lot of pride in his work and enjoys the sense of accomplishment he gets when everything comes to completion.

Four things to know about Johnny Bielski on his fourth work anniversary

1. He loves animals.

Johnny and his girlfriend share their home with dogs, cats, a flock of chickens, and two ducks, and frequently foster animals until they can find their forever homes. At work, Johnny shares a special bond with Belle, a cat who doesn’t always love people. When a nervous Belle first arrived at our Dalton headquarters, she followed Johnny into his office and didn’t leave for weeks. Now, Johnny says, “she’s my little princess here.”

2. He really enjoys the brie-stuffed burger at Public in North Adams, MA.

Someday he might order something else off the menu, but today is not that day.

3. He’s a little bit of a car nerd.

Growing up, Johnny always wanted a Mustang. It took him twenty years, but he did eventually get his wish. He treats his hard-earned dream car with great care, only bringing it out of storage for the summers. And when the weather is nice (and I mean very nice) Johnny enjoys driving the Mustang to work.

John Bielski with Danica Patrick in 2022
Johnny met retired race car driver Danica Patrick at the Envestnet Advisor Summit in 2022

4. He’s BMM’s king of karaoke.

Johnny is never afraid to take to the stage, or the dance floor for that matter. He brings the fun and brightens people’s moods everywhere he goes. His go-to karaoke jam? Ice Ice Baby.


From all of us at BMM, congratulations and thank you for all that you do!


Kimberly Campagna is Berkshire Money Management’s Communications and Content Specialist.

Portrait of Kimberly Campagna

Kimberly is the Marketing and Communications Manager at Berkshire Money Management. She is dedicated to eliminating jargon and deciphering complex financial concepts so you don’t have to.

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